10 events found.
Tuesday Adult Study
Bethel Lutheran Church 607 6th St N, Wahpeton, ND, United StatesExecutive Team Meeting
Bethel Lutheran Church 607 6th St N, Wahpeton, ND, United StatesBeacon Articles Due
Bethel Lutheran Church 607 6th St N, Wahpeton, ND, United StatesChoir Practice
Bethel Lutheran Church 607 6th St N, Wahpeton, ND, United StatesCircle 1
Bethel Lutheran Church 607 6th St N, Wahpeton, ND, United StatesTuesday Adult Study
Bethel Lutheran Church 607 6th St N, Wahpeton, ND, United StatesBethel Quilters
Bethel Lutheran Church 607 6th St N, Wahpeton, ND, United StatesMeets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. —9am-4pm— Bring a bag lunch. All are welcome!
Summer Coffee Hour
Bethel Lutheran Church 607 6th St N, Wahpeton, ND, United StatesJoin us for coffee and goodies before and/or after the worship service. Centennial Room and Kitchenette