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First Communion Preparation

“As you share the bread and wine, give thanks for the family of Jesus which surrounds you, and give thanks for the promise of Jesus: ‘You are a precious child of God. I will always love you. I will be with you, loving you and forgiving you all the days of your life.’”
~ Daniel Erlander

Holy Communion is a gift from God!  As with any gift that God bestows, it is given with no strings attached – there is nothing that you can do that makes you more or less worthy to receive the gift of God's mercy and forgiveness.

When you or your child receives a gift, it is natural to want to know all about what it is, how it works, and what to do with it. That is what the First Communion Preparation class is designed to teach your child.

Please contact Lisa Bassingthwaite with questions:
701-642-4472 |

First Communion Class Registration

Child's Name(Required)



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First Communion

First Communion Class

First Communion Class