Wednesday School
Bethel Lutheran Church 607 6th St N, Wahpeton, ND, United StatesWednesday School is held during the school year from 5:30-6:30 pm.
Wednesday School is held during the school year from 5:30-6:30 pm.
Confirmation, also knowns as Affirmation of Baptism, is the time when young people declare for themselves that they will live out the promises made for them by their parents and sponsors during their baptism. At Bethel, this typically begins in 6th grade with four years of classes, activities, and events for students to explore faith, […]
A youth-centered worship service held in the sanctuary after Confirmation and Wednesday School classes.
Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. —9am-4pm— Bring a bag lunch. All are welcome!
Choir practice will be at 9:00 today only because or the Annual Meeting.
The worship service for this day will be at 10:00 AM. There will only be one service and no coffee hour. We will be having our annual meeting right after the worship service.
We will be meeting right after the 10:00 AM church service for the Annual Meeting. All voting members are welcome to be at the meeting. We will be discussing and voting on the budget for 2024, electing board members and any other items pertinent to the congregation that is on the agenda.
All members are invited to join us for a potluck after the Annual Meeting.
Join us at Stern's Arena for open skate! It will be a night of ice skating, hot chocolate, and friendship!